Tuesday, 31 December 2013
Farewell 2013
It's time to say farewell to another year. Writing this post kind of feels like writing the last paragraph of a chapter. And what an interesting chapter it has been. It started with snow and me questioning if I had made the right decision. Could I really retrain, take a second degree, be something completely different to before? After alot of contemplation I realised I could do this, still be me and do something different. So I worked hard and passed my first year. I also started this blog to keep writing, to have a space where I could be me, dip into my old world. Once a writer, always a writer!
After a fabulously warm summer spent at the beach and in the garden, treasuring family time I packed my pencil case and headed back for year two. Now there was no turning back, I loved what I had chosen to do. Everything was more in depth, less scary and I knew deep down this is what I wanted to do. Andy and the children had now got used to me studying and commuting and not always being there, which also made the past four months alot easier. Just as time is a healer it is also a huge factor in change. The more time we have to get used to this big life change the easier it gets.
So now here we are, getting ready to drink champagne and say goodbye to 2013. What will 2014 hold? Nobody knows but I am excited to see.
I want to wish you all a fabulous time tonight, whatever you are doing. Close your chapter firmly and get ready to start a new page tomorrow.
Until next time, take care.
end of 2013,
new beginnings,
New year,
Suffolk, UK
Sunday, 29 December 2013
Being Mindful
There seems to be a lot of talk about living in the moment just recently. I've also read several articles about meditation, being mindful. Living in a constant whirlwind of activity means we often miss things that are important. Little moments that should be precious, treasured, swish past. As a mother I have spent many hours just watching my children when they were little, as they play, sleep, chat. But as they grow into teenagers and our lives become an endless calendar of events I rarely find the time to simply be, watching these amazing people I helped create.
So the more I read about mindfulness and stopping to be present in my world the more I want to make this a part of my new year and of course beyond. I never make resolutions but the past few days I have had time to pause, think, reflect and consider the person I want to be in 2014. Are you aiming to live a more mindful life next year or have you already been doing so for many years? I really would love to know.
Until next time, take care.
living in the moment,
well being
Great Britain Birmingham
Saturday, 28 December 2013
The Lull Between Festivities
Well that's it Christmas is over for another year and what a wonderful time we had. Full of good food, festive cheer and fizz and lots of fabulous presents unwrapped. Now it's time to relax, rest and reflect. I love this time of year, the perfect time to stop, restore energy levels and plan for the year ahead. Living an incredibly busy life means often things get overlooked, moments to myself are minimal and time to exercise can be hard to achieve. But the promise of a new year means I can think about what I want to achieve and how I can do it.
So I am off to drink tea, eat cake and reflect on the past year and consider what I hope to do and achieve in 2014. How about you, are you ready for some reflection and planning?
Until next time, take care.
New year,
past year,
Great Britain Birmingham
Friday, 27 September 2013
Fit Before 40 - The First Ten Weeks
As I get that little bit closer to turning 40 (18 months to go) I have been thinking about my health and fitness levels. After so many years being pre natal, post natal and a very tired mother of preschoolers, time to exercise was limited. Also since moving to our village three years ago I seem to walk less. Before when we lived in a town I would walk the children to school, which was almost a mile away, walk to the town and not even think of it as exercise. This helped me trim down after having my youngest but now we live in a more rural setting the distance to school isn't quite so far. Although my husband and I have a rule that we don't drive to somewhere in the village unless it's raining or very cold. So the children walk to school, to brownies and guides, to panto rehearsals and the park. But working from home made us live a more sedentary lifestyle.
So starting my course last year made me think about my lack of exercise. Obviously living a active healthy life is better for us and this becomes even more obvious in my new career. Active and fit people tend to cope better with treatment. So in my last few weeks of clinical practice before the summer I was so tired and felt so unfit I decided to spend my summer getting fit. Seeing several people share the 30 Day Shred DVD on their Instagram feeds and Facebook pages and they were seeing results, I decided to give it a try.
Ten weeks on I can say I feel a lot fitter, stronger and more toned. I am not wanting to lose weight particularly, just to be fitter and toned, fit not thin, yet I have to admit I am a little slimmer, even other people have said! Now I don't manage to workout everyday, but I do aim for four times a week. Yes it means getting up half an hour earlier to fit it in and yes that can be hell. But afterwards I feel good, taking time for me and looking after me. This is something so many of us forget to do. Working mothers, whether we work at home or away from home, we rarely take time for ourselves. Guilt and time restraints make us focus on the home, the family and forget that we are the motor that keeps all this going. If we get poorly, are not taking care of ourselves, then things don't run quite so well. This is of course true for women in general, we juggle so many things, children or no children, that often exercise isn't high on our list of priorities. But I think we all need to find something we enjoy, whether it's taking the dog on a long walk, circuit training, running,yoga or swimming, then make time to do it at least three times a week. As one of the big sportswear brands says 'Just Do It'!
I will be writing every so often about my progress, in a bid to get fit before I'm forty. I plan to do a 10k race before I turn forty, but need to workout how to fit in running to my week! I also really want to do the Moonwalk in London next year, but need to persuade a friend or two to join me, as I really don't want to do it on my own.
Have a fab weekend and until next time take care.
Saturday, 14 September 2013
Help I have a magazine addiction
In between reading journals and textbooks I still love to read magazines and other books. I guess my love for magazines grew when I was a freelance writer, but I can honestly say it goes way back before my writing days. As a little girl I loved that my mum had Twinkle delivered for me with her newspaper and I then grew older and read Mizz, J17 and moved onto More as I progressed through my teens. Then Cosmo and Marie Claire were favourites of mine during my uni days. Then at 23 I had my first child and I found myself reading parenting magazines and somewhere along the line discovered my favourite ever women's magazine, Eve. Sadly this magazine hasn't been in print for a few years and I now subscribe to Red, for my women's magazine fix.
Yet since those early days of motherhood and marriage we have moved to the countryside and so of course one of my monthly reads is Country Living. This is one of my mainstay magazines and I know I will be reading it still in twenty years time. Combining my love of the countryside and interiors I also reguarly read Country Homes and Interiors. I especially love this magazine in Autumn and leading up to Christmas as it always seems so cosy in their pages!
The past couple of years has seen a surgance in craft magazines, but my favourite is still Mollie Makes. Every page is a complete delight to read and every month I excitedly await it to land on my doormat. The crafty makes are always fab and my daughters and I have spent many afternoons making things and I love to read about the designers lives and homes. Obviously being a huge fan of Mollie Makes it was a natural progression to start reading The Simple Things, from the same publishing company. I actually think I love this magazine even more than its sister mag!
I may not read as many fashion and interiors magazines anymore, since leaving my career as a writer, but as you can see there are some magazines I simply cannot live without. So what makes a good magazine, one that makes me want to subscribe, to read it forever? A good page layout, images that speak to me, my lifestyle, stories that ignite interest or capture my imagination, pages that make me want to sit down or snuggle up with a cup of tea. So what makes a good magazine for you? Do you have any favourites, past and present or ones you know you want to read forever?
Until next time, take care.
Friday, 13 September 2013
Reluctant to Pack Away My Flipflops
Yes it is true I am reluctant to pack away my flip flops just yet. I want Summer to stay and play for a while longer. I am not quite ready for beef stew although we have readily enjoyed blackberry crumbles made with our haul from the bush at the bottom of the garden. But warm fires and mugs of hot chocolate seem a far away thought.
It is too soon to hide the picnic basket into the back of the cupboard as I hope for just one more warm summery day on the beach. I know it's September and I should consider taking a jumper, as there is a chill in the air, but I want to be free of several layers for just a little longer.
Yet I love driving through the lanes and seeing the trees change colour, greeted with the warm russets, orange and yellows. The pheasants plumply toddle across the road and the tractors are busily finishing the harvest for another year. Saturdays in the late autumnal sun beside the rugby pitch, wrapped up in a warm coat and scarf, cheering on my sons, watching through my fingers as they almost get sqaushed in the scrum. Sunday afternoons spent crafting and playing scrabble, eating warm cake or crumpets. Maybe autumn isn't quite so bad? But please just one more day of warm sun, so we can have one more picnic on the beach. Then I will pack away my flip flops.
Thursday, 12 September 2013
Settling into the New Term
After a lovely warm summer we all headed back to school last week and thankfully it seems to have gone smoothly. The downside is tired grumpy children as they settle back into routines but insist that times for bed are still in holiday settings! Of the joy of starving children meeting you in the playground at the end of the school day. Fortunately after a plate of crackers and cheese and a glass of juice my little darlings are revived. Yet the older three can almost eat a meal when they arrive home from the school bus ride and then still eat their dinner. Honestly I am not sure where they put it all, but at least they are all very sporty and active so there are no fears of wider middles here!
Well I am almost at the end of my second week of the new academic year and boy what a difference being a second year makes. The workload seems enormous, with plenty of extra reading to be done. Yet the subject areas we studied as first years are now being explored in more detail and if I am honest, I am actually really excited about this. Projects and assignments have been set and I am really looking forward to getting stuck in. Having covered the basics in year one I feel that now it's time to get serious and I have already raided the library at uni. So much to learn and do but I couldn't be happier.
I hope you have all had a good start to the new school year, with happy, if a little more hungrier, children. That new teachers are a welcome change and that the homework schedule isn't too gruelling just yet.
Until next time, take care.
Suffolk, UK
Wednesday, 4 September 2013
Another School Year Begins
This morning four of my children have headed back to school. Lucy has one more day, a day to enjoy some time with me as I also have a day off. A new school year always holds so much anticipation. Weighted down with high hopes and expectations, promise of fresh starts, new teachers and shiny new school shoes. With my eldest starting in Year 11 today we enter the next level of schooling, GCSE's next summer, thoughts of choosing A level subjects and the task of attending sixth form open evenings. For us this all new territory and I have to admit a little scary. When did my little boy get so big and so close to heading out into the big wide world on his own? I want to treasure every moment even more so now, as I know very soon my nest won't be quite so full.
As well as looking at sixth form options we also have to chose and apply for Amber's high school place . She has headed off this morning as the eldest girl in her school, starting Year 6 with a mature attitude but always with a glimmer of fun in everything she does. My beautiful fourth child will this time next year be dressed in a new uniform, entering a new school and making new friends alongside reuniting with old friends from her last primary school, having changed schools three years ago when we moved. Again I want to press pause, just hold onto to these moments just a little bit longer.
My other three children all have exciting years ahead as well, Jack starts his GCSE years, entering Year 10, Lucy is no longer in the first year of high school and starts Year 8 and Kitty starts her last year in KS1 as she enters Year 2. We are all excited to see what this new school year brings, many proud mummy moments I am sure.
For everyone with children heading back to school this week I wish them luck, send virtual hugs and tissues to those with little ones starting school for the very first time. I was devastated when one of my children headed off to school for their first time. And for parents getting ready to deliver their children to a new city for the start of term at university, I send strength as I dread that day, when my children fly away to new beginnings without me. Although I know they will live every moment to its fullest and when they need their washing doing will arrive home for the weekend!
Until next time, take care.
Monday, 2 September 2013
Starting my Second Year
Well here I am sat at uni, ready for the start of my second year. I can't quite believe the summer is over and feel a little disgruntled that I have returned to class before my own children, but hey ho that's just the way it is. Studying for a medical or health degree does not give you the benefit of lovely long holidays as there is so much to fit in the three years. However the biggest benefit I can see is that I will leave university with a qualification that will just about guarantee a job. I will also be doing something I love, that will benefit so many people, so heading back to uni now isn't so bad.
I can't quite believe that I made it to the second year. Believe me there were days when I almost threw in the towel. But thankfully I have a rock of a husband, a fantastic clinical lecturer and a supportive mentor. Without these three people I am not sure I would have made it this far. Retraining is a huge change, so if you are contemplating heading in a new direction with your career be prepared for days when you question everything you are desperately trying to achieve.
So here I go at the start of another roller coaster year that I know will be exciting, scary and bloody hard work! But I wouldn't want it any other way.
Until next time, take care.
Wednesday, 28 August 2013
Celebrations and Cake
The past few days in our house have been full of celebrations and cake. Last Thursday my eldest headed to school with my husband to collect his little handful of GCSE results. He had taken three subjects a year early and we all hoped this had been the right decision. However I guessed the safety net of retakes was always there in our subconscious. Anyway he excitedly phoned me from school to share the news of an A*, A and a B. The gamble had paid off. I am so incredibly proud of him, he worked hard and the results highlighted this further. We now head into unknown territory of Y11 and sixth form open evenings and applications. I fear the next few years will be a roller coaster ride of an adventure.
With the celebrations over from this exciting news birthday preparations commenced for yesterday and Monday. We celebrated my husbands birthday on the beach in gorgeous sunshine on Monday. We are blessed to live in such a beautiful part of the UK and with the beach just a twenty minute drive away it is our favourite place to escape to. Yesterday was our younger sons fourteenth birthday. I really cannot believe that he is this old already! Although he is much taller than me and looks older than his fourteen years. Having been sent vouchers from family I whisked him off on a shopping trip before we celebrated at home, with more yummy cake and a cider.
Now the realisation has set in that my summer break is almost over as I head back to lectures on Monday. But for now I think I will just enjoy one more day of holiday before the madness and mayhem the words 'back to school' bring with them.
Until next time take care,
Thursday, 15 August 2013
A Level Results Day - 20 Years On
I was busily wishing friends luck this morning, as they head off with their children to collect A level results and it suddenly dawned on me that it is twenty years since I nervously headed to school to collect mine. Twenty years?! How did that happen? I remember opening my results and realising that I could actually go to university. This was what I had dreamed of, had worked towards and finally it was going to happen. I headed home to confirm my place, by good old landline, no online confirmations back then. The excitement was immense, little ol' me heading to a new city, on a new adventure.
My time at Birmingham wasn't always easy but I loved the subjects I was studying, which made the homesickness and money worries more bearable. Being a student isn't always plain sailing and doing it again twenty years on provides new worries, dilemmas and happy experiences. I guess it also proves that what we choose to study at eighteen may not be our choice for life. We don't have to stay on the same path forever. Also for anybody not opening an envelope full of the 'required grades' please do not panic. Everything happens for a reason, just sometimes we don't always know what the reason is straight away. Take a little pause, create plan B. Perhaps the lower grades will give you the chance to change your plans, make real a little idea that's been niggling at the back of your head since filling out your UCAS application. Whatever your results today, take a deep breath and leap, your next adventure is about to begin.
Until next time, take care.
a level result day,
a level results,
low grades,
new plans,
Woodbridge Woodbridge
Monday, 12 August 2013
New Term, New You
The new school year has always felt full of promise for me, more so than the real new year celebrations in January. A new pencil case and shiny new school shoes were a delight when I was younger and now the promise of a new notebook is very appealing. I am sure I am not the only one who relishes the new beginnings of September. This time last year I was had started my journey through Clearing with my interview looming for my degree. I can't quite believe that I am now preparing to start my second year. Making the decision to apply for this degree was not a quick one but the whole process happened very quickly once I had applied.
I will write more about my journey to the big decision another day, but for now I just want to say, don't delay if you have made the decision to retrain. Apply through clearing now and you could be stationery shopping for a new school year too!
Suffolk, UK
Monday, 5 August 2013
Fit Not Thin
I was delighted to see that at last size zero was not being celebrated this weekend. A broadsheet newspaper was advocating a fit and healthy image rather than encouraging women and girls to be stick insects. As a mother of three daughters I am completely in support of The Sunday Times Style magazine's 'Fit NotThin' campaign. Having decided to get fit, more toned and stronger this summer I am aware of the difference regular exercise has on me. I feel healthier, happier and am hoping will be stronger soon. Retraining to do a physically demanding job I need to be stronger as well as protecting my back to ensure I can work for years to come.
So this summer I have started The 30 Day Shred, which is proving physically challenging as well as running four times a week with Amber, my ten year old. I will also be making sure I continue with Pilates. All this activity has also inspired my husband to start running again, so he heads off across the fields opposite our house, most mornings, with our eldest son. Meanwhile our younger son works out regularly to ensure he is at peak fitness, due to being on the rugby, hockey and Athletics teams at school. Just as Jo Whiley said in her interview in Style, active and sporty children won't be rushing to try smoking. Another worry of mine as the mother of teenagers. So a healthy, fit lifestyle for all of our family can only be a good thing and with major newspapers championing realistic body shapes, I hope my daughters will be confident in their bodies.
Until next time, take care,
Encouraging Entreprenurial Spirit
As the summer holidays approached the chair of our primary school PTA came up with an innovative idea to provide the children with a challenge. They were to be given £2 and had to make it grow during their school holiday. Ideas were plentiful amongst our three daughters and soon we had a list of money making schemes. As Lucy is no longer at the primary school she wasn't initally included in this scheme, but not to be outdone by her younger sisters I ensured she had permission to join the money making initiative. Obviously with some children living at quite rural addresses and not all parents are eBay or Etsy savvy, so selling cakes, crafts and other items would prove difficult. Therefore the idea of a 'Mini's Market' on the village green once a week was born. So far we have attended two markets and will be attending for the rest of the holidays, weather permitting. The first week saw Amber making and selling plaited friendship bracelets, Lucy teaching children to decopauge and Kitty selling ready to paint plaster of paris magnets she had made. This week Kitty made playdough to sell, Amber made hairbands, with a little help from me and Lucy made cloudy lemonade, which sold out. Fellow pupils were there selling cakes, flowers, chocolate lollipops, icepops and more! Whilst manning a market stall isn't everyones cup of tea, other children are offering car cleaning services to family and friends and one boy has a busy DVD rental service.
Amber and her stall at the mini market.
The thing I love most about this initiative is watching the children plan their products, gaining an understanding that they have to buy products to resell or ingredients or materials to make their products. They are learning valuable business skills, from customer service to accounting to reinvestment and producing the goods. But of course the thing they love most about their Thursday markets is that they get to play with their friends on the village green and in the stream whilst their fab mummy's man their stalls!
Until next time, take care,
Friday, 2 August 2013
Hello and welcome to my new abode. A new space to be me, to be creative as a writer, a little space to escape my very busy life. As my five children grew up and didn't need me as much I started to think about what I wanted to do next, who I wanted to be. I am still on this journey, but the most important job of my life is being a good mother. Whatever I do my children will always be my priority, yet I also needed to be more than a mother. Hence the decision to change paths in my career, to help more people and push myself academically too. So last September I started a degree in radiotherapy and oncology. A full time job in itself, hours of commuting when on clinical placement and swapping writing deadlines for essay deadlines. Yet I have loved every moment and taking the leap was the best thing I have done in several years! Whilst I cannot write about my actual training I will be writing about the trials, tribulations and joys of retraining.
The simple things in life and living a creative life are also important to me. However I have realised that over the past year my creativity had been packed away whilst I concentrated on my new career path. Now on summer break from lectures and clinical placements I have had time to stop and ponder. I realised writing is a huge part of my creative life aswell as making things for our home and for my children. So here I am, a new blog, just me, no sponsors, no businesses vying for product placements. Somewhere I can be me, share my journey of retraining, finding myself again. There may not be pretty pinboards in every post like my previous blogs, just some good ol' honest writing.
As I head towards turning forty I seem to be setting myself goals, to make me a fitter, better person, so I am sure I will be sharing this with you all too!
So a whole blank page awaits me, an exciting adventure ensues................
Until next time, take care,
new blog,
personal blog,
Suffolk, UK
Wednesday, 15 May 2013
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