Sunday, 29 December 2013

Being Mindful

There seems to be a lot of talk about living in the moment just recently.  I've also read several articles about meditation, being mindful.  Living in a constant whirlwind of activity means we often miss things that are important.  Little moments that should be precious, treasured, swish past.  As a mother I have spent many hours just watching my children when they were little, as they play, sleep, chat.  But as they grow into teenagers and our lives become an endless calendar of events I rarely find the time to simply be, watching these amazing people I helped create.  

So the more I read about mindfulness and stopping to be present in my world the more I want to make this a part of my new year and of course beyond.  I never make resolutions but the past few days I have had time to pause, think, reflect and consider the person I want to be in 2014.  Are you aiming to live a more mindful life next year or have you already been doing so for many years? I really would love to know.  

Until next time, take care.

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