Sunday, 3 January 2016

Word for 2016

For the past few years I have been inspired by other bloggers and writers to find a word to help shape the year.  Last years word of choice for me was embrace and boy did I embrace everything life gave me in 2015.  So for the past week or so I have been pondering my choice of word for 2016.  At first I wondered if I even needed a word this year, which led me to question what I wanted from the next twelve months.  Having achieved some big goals last year, I considered just going with the flow, seeing where life took me.  But for those of you who know me understand that I am very unlikely to do this.  Setting goals, making plans are a big part of my life.  And was recently pointed out to me, I am an ideas person.  Share an idea with me and I can almost guarantee that within an hour, or a day, I will have a full blown master plan for you! 

Now I knew I needed a word to help me get the most out of 2016, but which word would help guide me? I decided that having spent a lot of time studying in the past three years and settling into my new job I wanted this year to help me find time for some of the other things I love.  With my first degree in Creative Arts I still have a passion for these, even if they are not part of my working day anymore.  Even though my life always seems to be busy I want to make sure I have time to enjoy music, playing or listening.  So instead of catching the end of some great radio shows I am going to make sure I use listen again options, downloading them on the BBC radio app and filling my commute with music, words and wisdom.  Another thing I have been wanting to do is update my guitar playing.  I haven't played properly in years and have been longing to be able to strum away to the recent talents of Ed Sheeran, James Bay and Mumford & Sons to name a few.  Already I have discovered some great guitar school tutorials on you tube, which will help me over the coming months.  

With the need for more music in my life confirmed I also felt I want to make sure I read more.  Not just novels, although there is an endless list of books I want to read in a One note folder on my iPad!  As part of my job I need to stay up to date with new ideas and research, which was my favourite part of my time as a student.  Whilst many hate ploughing through journal articles, I actually enjoyed it.  Therefore I intend to make sure I keep reading articles relevant to my job, especially as I plan to start my masters this year.  I also plan to watch or listen to some TED talks, a little late to the party but who cares?! A person can grow when they are ready which maybe at a different time to the crowd. 

A theme seemed to be appearing here and enhancing my life culturally seems to be a goal for 2016.  But the word culture didn't quite fit as my word.  Then it dawned on me today, quite randomly whilst cleaning and packing away Christmas. Grow will be word for 2016.  Having laid the foundations over the years I will use the next twelve months to help me grow as a person, culturally and academically.  

Good luck choosing your word for 2016. Until next time, take care.


  1. What a beautifully written post with so much elegance and grace. That's a word haven't chosen yet This year I am adventure ! I'm with you on the busyness of life (4 kids here!) and wish you a wonderful year of growth 😊

    1. Thank you for such a lovely comment. Hoping you have found a word for 2016 and wishing you a fabulous year x
