Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Goodbye 2015

print from KF Prints on Etsy

It is that time of year when I get to stop and reflect on the past year and what a year it has been! I turned 40, graduated and started my first job as a qualified radiographer. Twelve months ago I was knee deep in research for my dissertation, which I loved and if I am honest I actually now miss.  I was also preparing to embark on a twelve week clinical placement and knew that my final weeks as a student were getting closer.  But the hard work paid off and I was awarded top marks for my dissertation, achieved first class honours for my degree and awarded the prize for best dissertation on results day. When I first started on this new career path I never for one moment thought I would achieve so much and there were moments when I did wonder if I would finish.  But I did it, little ol' me, passed with flying colours!  

The icing on the cake for me this year came in the form of a job offer from the hospital at which I trained.  Whilst many people were surprised I didn't chose to work closer to home, I made a career choice and wanted to be part of a busy department, working with a team I knew.  Certainly the past six months have been incredibly busy with the transition being fairly smooth from student to radiographer and never have I regretted my decision to stay where I trained.  

So 2015 was definitely amazing regarding study and career.  On a more personal level, I am thankful to have the continuing support of Andy.  I know that there are days when he and the children wish I didn't commute so far, that I was here when they woke up in the morning or when they returned home from school.  But they have been incredibly accepting of this new way of life, that mummy has a career that means she isn't always there.  Although there are still days when Kitty asks if I can work from home again, I know it will get easier for all of us with time.

As a family we have passed more milestones - Andy turned 50, Amber became a teenager, Connor passed his driving test first time, Connor and Jack had an amazing set of AS and GCSE results, Connor received an unconditional offer at UEA to read history next September, Amber passed her Grade IV flute exam, Lucy started her GCSE years, Kitty performed her first flute solo in the Christmas concert.  Not a bad year really!

After such an amazing year I am truly thankful and am looking forward to seeing what 2016 has in store for myself, Andy and our children.  One thing for sure is that we will grab opportunities with both hands, enjoy and cherish every moment.  

Until next time, take care.

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