Wednesday, 31 December 2014

My Word For 2015

The last day of the year, a time to reflect, take stock, make plans.  Something I have been doing for the past few days, especially as I have been thinking about choosing my word for 2015.  The new year will be one of changes and big birthdays, exciting times and new adventures.  With this in mind I have chosen EMBRACE as my word for 2015.

As I finish my degree in June and embark on my career in radiography, it will be a time of new beginnings, even more so if I start my career at a different hospital to my training hospital. Embracing this new beginning, my new career and the changes it will bring will make it all seem a little less daunting.  March will see the start of a new decade for me, as I turn 40.  Just another twelve weeks in my thirties seems a little scary, but I am also feeling ready for this new era.  I hope to embrace being 40, being a little more grown up, looking after me, my body and my mind.  My thirties found me finally feeling comfortable in my own skin. So now I want to continue with that but also to embrace the changes that will come in my forties.  Health and fitness have become more important to me and I want to make time for exercise, meditation and eating properly.

But 2015 isn't all about me, there are more big changes afoot.  Andy will turn 50 in the summer, another big birthday that has got him thinking too.  Being happy and healthy are always at the forefront of our plans and I know he will start his fifties as he means to go on, already planning some half marathons for the year.  Connor will turn 17 later in the year which means he can learn to drive and by this time next year he will have submitted his UCAS application.  Jack will take his GCSE's this summer and will start sixth form in September.  As a parent this all seems a little scary, but I want to embrace these changes that being a mother to teenagers involves.  As for my gorgeous daughters, Lucy chooses and starts her GCSE courses in 2015, Amber will become a teenager and Kitty will turn 9, the last year of single digits.  

So 2015 already holds a lot of promise and I want to embrace every moment.  Whatever else comes our way I know as a family unit we will stay strong, making the most of opportunities and enjoying life.

I want to take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy new year and hope 2015 is full of promise for you too.

Until next time, take care.

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