Monday, 21 July 2014

Lists, lists and more lists

Notepad available from The Green Gables

The impending summer holidays mean I need to be organised.  With five children to feed and entertain life becomes even busier than normal. So this is the time of year I actually depend on lists. Oh I do love a good a list, just sitting quietly to write it is fun. Now I know I am not alone in this love of list making and like many still favour handwriting my lists.  Although I do have a memo app on my phone and am seriously planning on using One Note properly....let me just add that to my list of things to do this summer! 

Yesterday the girls and I popped out to buy new notebooks for them to create summer journals.  With another storm and a wet afternoon putting paid to plans of outdoor adventures, the three of them sat and each wrote a list of '25 things to do in the summer holidays'.  Obviously I wasn't sure what they would list and hoped it would not include extravagant and expensive adventures.  Thankfully their lists are realistically affordable, including a trip to a museum in London, days at the beach, lots of sewing, writing stories, learning a foreign language, baking, learning to play the guitar and camping sleepovers in the garden, to name a few.  

So hurry up the end of term, my daughters have memories to make and I need to write a list of what to take to take on holiday and of course that dreaded new uniform list.  But for now I need to think about making my own summer journal.

Until next time, take care.

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