Friday, 8 May 2015

Inspiring A Future Generation of Radiographers

Last term Kitty was learning about the human body as part of her Year 3 science topic and was very interested in naming bones and discovering how different things inside her worked.  Obviously I was thrilled to see such enthusiasm and answered her many questions each evening.  Towards the end of term she asked if I could come in and talk about seeing inside our bodies as her interest in my new career has continued.  Of course I jumped at the chance, I have always loved spending time in the classroom and relished the opportunity to talk about x-rays to 7 and 8 year olds.  Thankfully Kitty's teacher was as keen for me to visit, so soon after handing in my dissertation I planned my talk. Getting Kitty involved in preparing a short powerpoint presentation helped me gauge what her friends would be interested in.  Soon we were searching for x-rays of animals, child friendly x-ray machines and CT scanners, as well as some interesting fracture images.
By keeping it simple, asking about the childrens own experience of x-rays and giving them an insight into how we can see inside our bodies, kept their interest.  Hands were raised with numerous questions waiting to be asked.  For me this was exciting to see such enthusiasm about radiography at a young age.  Whilst universities regularly visit careers events for GCSE and A level students to promote courses in both diagnostic and therapeutic radiography I believe we are missing more exposure for our profession. The national curriculum and the exam syllabuses offer us ample opportunities to share our knowledge and grab the attention of the future radiography workforce. Quick, simple talks in primary schools for Kitty's age group when they are learning about the human body, radiation is part of the GCSE Physics syllabus, Lucy learnt all about cancer and radiotherapy in her Year 9 biology lessons.  I truly believe with some planning there is great opportunity for radiographers to be involved with schools when discussing these more specialist areas of the curriculum, 

Perhaps this is what the national curriculum lacks, the collaborations with various professionals. But that's a another post entirely!

Until next time, take care.

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