Wednesday 12 November 2014

Distractions of a Mature Student

Or I could make these bracelets instead of writing my essay!
tutorial from Honestly WTF

Right now I have so much studying to do, with deadlines looming and my dissertation constantly on my mind that I really need to focus.  Yet I seem to be very easily distracted, window shopping online for a new pair of boots, coming up with product ideas for Andy's shop, planning surprise outings, flicking through my ever increasing pile of unread magazines. Idling away precious time, distracted by anything and everything.  This is the curse of being a mature student I am sure, with so many other things on your mind that actually focussing your time constructively is really hard.  There are even times when I start to resent my studies taking up my time as I have soooo much to do.  

One piece of advice I could offer right now is to sit and focus on your assignments then spoil yourself with idling away the hours planning a day out or just sit reading magazines for a whole afternoon with a big pot of tea.  Now I just need to heed my own advice!

Until next time, take care.

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