Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Farewell 2013

It's time to say farewell to another year. Writing this post kind of feels like writing the last paragraph of a chapter.  And what an interesting chapter it has been.  It started with snow and me questioning if I had made the right decision.  Could I really retrain, take a second degree, be something completely different to before? After alot of contemplation I realised I could do this, still be me and do something different.  So I worked hard and passed my first year.  I also started this blog to keep writing, to have a space where I could be me, dip into my old world.  Once a writer, always a writer!

After a fabulously warm summer spent at the beach and in the garden, treasuring family time I packed my pencil case and headed back for year two.  Now there was no turning back, I loved what I had chosen to do.  Everything was more in depth, less scary and I knew deep down this is what I wanted to do.  Andy and the children had now got used to me studying and commuting and not always being there, which also made the past four months alot easier.  Just as time is a healer it is also a huge factor in change.  The more time we have to get used to this big life change the easier it gets.

So now here we are, getting ready to drink champagne and say goodbye to 2013.  What will 2014 hold? Nobody knows but I am excited to see.

I want to wish you all a fabulous time tonight, whatever you are doing.  Close your chapter firmly and get ready to start a new page tomorrow.

Until next time, take care.

Sunday, 29 December 2013

Being Mindful

There seems to be a lot of talk about living in the moment just recently.  I've also read several articles about meditation, being mindful.  Living in a constant whirlwind of activity means we often miss things that are important.  Little moments that should be precious, treasured, swish past.  As a mother I have spent many hours just watching my children when they were little, as they play, sleep, chat.  But as they grow into teenagers and our lives become an endless calendar of events I rarely find the time to simply be, watching these amazing people I helped create.  

So the more I read about mindfulness and stopping to be present in my world the more I want to make this a part of my new year and of course beyond.  I never make resolutions but the past few days I have had time to pause, think, reflect and consider the person I want to be in 2014.  Are you aiming to live a more mindful life next year or have you already been doing so for many years? I really would love to know.  

Until next time, take care.

Saturday, 28 December 2013

The Lull Between Festivities

Well that's it Christmas is over for another year and what a wonderful time we had.  Full of good food, festive cheer and fizz and lots of fabulous presents unwrapped.  Now it's time to relax, rest and reflect. I love this time of year, the perfect time to stop, restore energy levels and plan for the year ahead.  Living an incredibly busy life means often things get overlooked, moments to myself are minimal and time to exercise can be hard to achieve.  But the promise of a new year means I can think about what I want to achieve and how I can do it.  

So I am off to drink tea, eat cake and reflect on the past year and consider what I hope to do and achieve in 2014.  How about you, are you ready for some reflection and planning? 

Until next time, take care.