Sunday, 8 November 2015

World Radiography Day

Today is a very important day for my profession, a day to celebrate everything in the world  of X-rays.  Every year on 8 November it is World Radiography Day. A time to celebrate the progress of this amazing part of health science.  However I also believe it is a fantastic opportunity to promote the profession.  Even though most people have heard of x-rays and scans few people know what radiography or a radiographer is, never mind what they actually do.  In the past when I have mentioned radiotherapy or being a therapeutic radiographer there has even been a comment about being like Fraiser! Oh how that made me smile.....although I think I am more like Roz in this fab comedy show.  Yet I can assure you my job is nowhere nearly as glamorous as hosting a radio show and I am by no means a therapist.

Whenever you have a x-ray or a scan or receive radiotherapy treatment you will be imaged or treated by a radiographer. As part of the allied health professionals workforce we are not nurses or doctors but are an important part of many patients care.  Diagnostic imaging is an incredibly important part of so many peoples visit to hospital, without it doctors would struggle with so many diagnosis.  Radiotherapy is used to treat so many types of cancer and also relies on diagnostic imaging, especially to help minimise dose to normal tissue and protecting patients organs surrounding their tumour.  Whilst it is clear there are different types of imaging, not all involving radiation and with this there are different roles within the world of radiography, I still worry about how misunderstood my profession is. Fear not I am not about to get on my soapbox or start a marketing campaign to promote my profession, well not today anyway!  For now I will happily direct you to the Society of Radiographers website if you want to learn more about radiography, as I head off to the village green for the Rememberance Sunday service.....did you know the armed forces have Radiographers? See there is still so much I need to share about radiography.....

Until next time, take care.

Monday, 2 November 2015

The Year in Books - November

Sadly these past few months I have had to stop participating in 'The Year in Books' organised by Laura at  Circle of Pine Trees, due to time restrictions. Yet I feel now would be a good time to join again, especially as cosy winter evenings are perfect for snuggling up with a good book.  My reading list recently has been quite varied as always.  A favourite in the past few months has been 'Where She Went' by Gayle Forman, the follow up to the amazing young adult novel 'If I Stay'.  This was one of those books I did not want to end but hungrily read on as I needed to know what happened.  Forman is definitely an author I will be reading again very soon and encourage anybody to try, even if like me you are not a young adult.  

So what will I be reading in November?  After a recent trip to the library I returned armed with books I have been wanting to read for a while.  First up is the tale of an adventure up the west coast of America.  'Wild - A Journey from Lost to Found' by Cheryl Strayed has been dramatised as a movie recently but as always I have chosen to read the book first.  Having loved books like 'Eat, Pray, Love' I am sure 'Wild' will be spiritually uplifting for me as the reader as I join her on her incredible journey.  Next up this month is an autobiographical journey with a lady I have admired for many years, Jo Whiley.  Over the years Jo has had a big influence over my musical choices and I just love her style and friendly yet incredibly cool way of dj-ing, so am looking forward to reading 'My World in Motion'.

Maybe two books are ambitious but I think it's about time I got back to reading reguarly again and know both of these books will keep me enthralled.  What will you be reading this month? Perhaps join in with The Year in Books? Find out more on Laura's blog here.

Until next time, take care.